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Worktour transforms real companies into 360 virtual workplace experiences that all students can explore anytime online or on mobile, with no expensive or complicated hardware needed.


Real employees share what they do and how they got into their careers. Interactive games and tools help students learn career vocabulary and critical concepts.


Students get personalized recommendations on courses, majors, and action steps to get into interesting careers they discover.


See why 88% of students report improved career-readiness and confidence after using Worktour—the best way to conveniently give students unlimited fun field trips, guest speakers, and job shadows that make your work-based learning program more successful.


Most students today don’t know enough careers before making decisions about college or paths after high school. Help them discover careers they don’t even know exist and see what they’re really like.  Find out what people really do in their jobs or company and what parts are most important to you. Explore different flavors of company culture, perks and benefits, and work styles and options.  What education, skills, and experience are needed? Be ready and make good choices when picking colleges, majors, and courses.


Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.


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Schedule a Demo!  
Please complete the details below and we'll get 30 minutes scheduled together. Let's see how we can get Worktour in your students' hands to help them discover careers they'll love.

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